So very excited to share my news! It's official, as of today, June 5, 2013 I have moved to my new, self hosted site...with my own domain! Yes! has a new home! You'll want to bookmark this site. Just copy and paste into your browser. Be sure to update your links and come on over and hang out with me there!
I'm rolling out new products, services, workshops and challenges and it is going to be one crazy, crafty, inspiring summer!

And to mark this momentous occasion for the next 24 hours only, I am offering my NEW
Summertime and the Scrappin' is EASY Challenge/Workshop as a BOGO! So grab a friend and sign up or just go ahead and sign up and give one to a friend!!! What a great way to celebrate and craft together. No special codes needed. Just sign up and I will contact you for information on the 2nd attendee.
Learn more and sign up for this AWESOME challenge here!
Thanks for the many we have shared here on let's continue the fun on the new
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