Friday, May 17, 2013

Yay! It's Friday! Let the foolishness begin!

This picture just makes me smile and it is so fitting for this day.  Today, I head up to the Scrappin' Retreats crop house to spend the weekend with 12 AWESOME, AMAZING women(including the ladies in this photo).  We do this 2x a year, every year.  This is our 14th gathering and there is never a dull moment.  We craft, we laugh, we eat, we laugh, we eat and we craft some more. It is such a joyous, wonderful, ruckus yet relaxing weekend.

I cannot wait!

Travel safely my friends.  See you soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. This picture always makes me smile also. You ladies look great together

  2. You all look like you are having so much fun! How I wish that I had some sista-friends nearby to scrap with.



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