Many think of the weekend as "free" time, a time to let go of their healthy eating habits, to indulge in treats and many end up overeating and sabotaging their weeklong weight loss efforts.
Don't only plan your weekdays, plan your weekends. You can even plan the meals you will eat out so that you don't over indulge. Check menus ahead of time and share a dessert and/or appetizer...but not both. Chose to order one or the other only. Remember you can make healthy eating easy by automating your meals and planning for weekend treats.
Whether it's a crop hosted by myself or someone else, the treats and eats at the crop are never a problem for me because I know the menu ahead of time and plan accordingly.
Let's face it, crops are filled with tons of chocolate, high sodium, high fat goodies. Never, exactly "health" friendly. I bring my favorite healthy, tasty snacks and will bring my own meals, as well if necessary. I am able to enjoy my cropping time and time with friends...guilt free!
What healthy meals can I serve at my crops to make them a heart healthy crop, without breaking the bank? Share.

I attend local weekend crops where each of us are responsible for a meal and I make taco salad with chicken. I will also have the classic hamburger meat for some that want it. I saute' chopped chicken breast in olive oil and add a little taco seasoning to give it a little spice. I have lots of chopped tomatoes and lettuce so mine is more of a salad then I just crumble up a few baked nacho chips to give it crunch. I also bring lite sour cream with the other traditional fixins'. This allows everyone to pick what they want and usually there are left overs which I put up to have for another meal that weekend in case someone has something that is not healthy.
ReplyDeleteThis post is RIGHT ON TIME! My croppers know when they come to "ME Time", the menu is HEALTHY. I have miniature chocolates, kept OUT of the crop room for those that must indulge. Plenty of water, few soft drinks, Crystal light packets are available, again for those that need a little something to get them drinking more beverages other than sodas. Last month, one of my croppers brought Mock Chicken Salad from Earth Fare and it was SPLENDID! I am adding it to the standard menu along with spinace and almond slivers salad.