Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Winner, Winner! Chicken Dinner!

Thanks to everyone who joined us and stopped by our blogs and left a little love during the SOC Hot Fun in the Summer Blog Hop!

...and the winner of my blog candy for the SOC Hot Fun in the Summer Blog Hop is....

GiGi!!!!  Woot! Woot!!!!

GiGi, please contact me with your email so that I'm sure to get your gifts to you, when they arrive.

You'll be receiving A Sketch a Day Volume 2, due out mid July 2012

and How to Make Money Scrapbooking, due out mid September 2012!

Also just for entering...I'll be sending you the 52 Week Sketch Challenge shortly.

Congrats and thanks for playing!

Hey!  Everyone who entered will receive a copy of the 52 Week Sketch Challenge eBook.  Just send me your email address here, so I can send your book.  You must have left a comment on the blog hop post between Friday and Monday to get your copy!

Ohhhhh...and there's more!  The winner of the SOC Blog Hop Prize is Nitasha!  Congrats!  Please be sure to visit Cheryl's blog here for a picture of the prize and to contact her for your goodies!  Woohoo!

Happy Crafting!

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