Monday, August 22, 2011

Weigh in Monday, August 22, 2011!

It's Monday at ScrapnFIT and that means time to weigh in!  Each Monday I weigh myself (most often without fail).  It is important for my continued healthy lifestyle to know where I am.  It allows me to make adjustments when necessary or to set new goals!

Hmmmm?  This week, my scale says I gained 4lbs!  What the...?  Sometimes, I think my scale is just whack or is some of my Chicago eating finally catching up with me?  Hmmm?  I did have a few things I wouldn't typically eat but didn't think that portions were small.  Needless, to say 4lbs seems quite high for me in a week????  1/2 lb 1lb maybe, but 4!  YIKES!  Well, if you know me, you know I'm not going to panic and I am going to revamp my eating for the week, I'll have a full week of exercise and we'll see what next Monday holds.  Stay tuned!

I encourage you ALL to set a day and time each week, when you can weigh in, as well.  This will keep you aware of how you are doing on a weekly basis.  Daily weighing is nerve least it is for me.  Weight fluctuates way too much for me to weigh I'll stick to once a week.  However, you do what works BEST for you.

Anyway, tell me how did you do over the past week?  Up, down, the same?  Share.  I'm here to share, help and encourage you to YOUR healthy lifestyle goal!

Have a happy, healthy week!

My siggy


  1. I know you'll drop the 4 lbs. in no time. I admire your committment to your program.
    I'm visiting my dad this week so I didn't weigh in, but when I get back home I'm getting back on my healthy eating plan and my goal is to lose 6 lbs.



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